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- Introduction:
- =============
- Password Safe is a password database utility. Like many other such
- products, commercial and otherwise, it stores your passwords in an
- encrypted file, allowing you to remember only one password (the "safe
- combination"), instead of all the username/password combinations that
- you use.
- What makes Password Safe different? Three things:
- 1. Simplicity: Password Safe is designed to do one thing, and to do it
- well. Start the application, enter your "combination", double-click on
- the right entry - presto - the password is now on your clipboard,ready
- for pasting.
- 2. Security: The original version was designed and written by Bruce
- Schneier - 'nuff said.
- 3. Open Source: The source code for the project is available for
- inspection. For more information, see http://passwordsafe.sourceforge.net
- Password Safe currently runs on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000 and
- XP, as well as Microsoft's PocketPC. Support for additional platforms
- is planned for future releases.
- Downloading:
- ============
- The latest & greatest version of Password Safe may be downloaded from
- https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=41019
- Non-English Versions:
- =====================
- A French version of the help file may be found in
- http://passwordsafe.sourceforge.net/pwsafefr.zip (Thanks to Laurent
- Masson).
- A Russian version of the help file may be found in
- http://passwordsafe.sourceforge.net/pwsaferu.zip (Thanks to Maxim
- Tikhonov).
- A German version of the help file may be found in
- http://passwordsafe.sourceforge.net/pwsafege.zip (Thanks to Sebastian
- Juergens).
- An Italian version of the help file may be found in
- http://home.datacomm.ch/winzozz/passwordsafe.htm (Thanks to Stefano)
- Kimmo 'Yodakoski' Koskinen has translated both the help file and the
- entire PasswordSafe (version 2.07) application to Finnish! These may
- be downloaded from http://tinyurl.com/7yqdv and
- http://tinyurl.com/5z3h3, respectively. The source files are available
- from http://tinyurl.com/5wt66.
- If anyone is interested in doing such work in other
- languages, please let me (https://sourceforge.net/users/ronys) know.
- Installation:
- =============
- Nothing special. No "Setup", no dependencies, no annoying wizard, no
- need to sacrifice a goat and/or reboot your computer. Just extract the
- files (using WinZip, for example) to any directory, double-click on
- the Pwsafe.exe icon,and that's it. "Advanced" users may want to
- create a shortcut to their desktop and/or Start menu.
- License:
- ========
- Password Safe is available under the restrictions set forth in the
- standard "Artistic License". For more details, see the LICENSE file
- that comes with the package.
- Helping Out:
- ============
- Please report bugs via the project's bug tracking form, at
- https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=41019&atid=429579 (you might
- want to browse the list, to see if the issue hasn't been reported
- already).
- Requests for features and enhancements should be submitted to the RFE
- (Request For Enhancements) page, at
- https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=41019&atid=429582
- You can also post questions, suggestions, rants, raves, etc. to the
- Help or Open Discussion forums, at
- https://sourceforge.net/forum/?group_id=41019
- If you wish to contribute to the project by writing code and/or
- documentation, please drop a note to the developer's mailing list:
- http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/passwordsafe-devel
- New releases are announced on the passwordsafe-announce mailing list:
- http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/passwordsafe-announce)
- Last but not least: PasswordSafe is and will always remain an open
- source project, free for and redistribution. However, donations to the
- project will help me justify the time and effort I spend in
- maintaining and improving this utility. In addtion, donations to the
- project help maintain SourceForge, the hosting site. If you wish to
- donate, please follow this link:
- https://sourceforge.net/donate/index.php?group_id=41019
- Release Notes:
- ==============
- For information on the latest features, bugfixes and known problems,
- see the ReleaseNotes.txt file that comes with the package.
- Credits:
- ========
- - The original version of Password Safe was written by Mark Rosen,
- and was freely downloadable from Conterpane Lab's website. Thanks to
- Mark for writing a great little application! Following Mark, it was
- maintained by "AYB", at Counterpane. Thanks to Counterpane for
- deciding to open source the project.
- - Jim Russell first brought the code to SourceForge, did some major
- cleaning up of the code, set up a nice project and added some minor
- features in release 1.9.0
- - Releases2.x have been brought to you by: Andrew Mullican,
- Edward Quackenbush, Gregg Conklin, Graham Ullrich, and Rony
- Shapiro. Karel (Karlo) Van der Gucht also contributed some of the
- password policy code and some GUI improvements for 1.92.
- - Emilijan Mirceski did the new graphics for 2.0.
- - Maxim Tikhonov translated the online help to Russian.
- - Thanks to the PasswordSafe developer's mailing list for help in
- nailing down the new 3.x file format.
- - Many, many new features in 3.0 have been implemented by DK.
- - Finally, thanks to the folks at SourceForge for hosting this
- project.